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Call+44 (0)1908 088008 or email usClearview Intelligence>M100 Wireless Vehicle Detection System

Accurate and easy to install wireless vehicle detection system. A cost effective alternative to inductive loops suitable for a range of applications, including traffic signal control systems such as MOVA and SCOOT and for vehicle detection in MIDAS applications.

On this page:

Features and BenefitsCase StudiesVideoBlogsMore imagesProduct Spec SheetInstall Instructions


  • Uses 3-axis magneto-resistive wireless sensors to detect vehicles
  • Ultra-low power communications protocol with reliable two-way communications
  • Universal platform for all traffic detection applications
  • Re-usable and remotely upgradeable
  • Expected 8-10 year battery life
  • Traffic light controller and MIDAS outstation manufacturer independent to ensure compatibility
  • Optically isolated contact closure signals (n/c and n/o)
  • Type Approved to Highways England specification TR2512A and MCH1529 (MIDAS)
  • Easy user configuration and reporting using Traffic Dot (Java Application)
  • Benefits

  • Reduced installation costs versus traditional loop technology
  • Rapid installation and deployment reduces road closures, worker exposure and traffic disruption
  • More reliable and cost effective than traditional inductive loops
  • Reduces junction maintenance costs
  • Centre lane installation maintains the integrity of the road surface
  • Depth of installation eliminates need to remove during resurfacing
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  • Superior reliability and longer operational life than your average loop
  • The M100 wireless vehicle detection system utilises a compact magnetometer sensor that is deployed in the centre of a traffic lane at the same point at which you would install inductive loops, but without the cost, invasiveness and traffic disruption associated with the slot cutting, ducting and trenching work needed to install and maintain loops on a regular basis. Its unique design allows the vehicle detection sensor to be buried beneath the wearing course of the road up to a depth of 175mm, eliminating the need for the product to be removed from the road during resurfacing.

    The vehicle detection events from the sensor are relayed back to the traffic signal controller via the system's in-built low powered two way radio communications. Despite its compact size and weight, the M100 has an impressive 8-10 year battery life. Since there's no trenching or ducting involved in the installation, the slimline profile of the magnetometer sensors means that they can be installed quickly and easily, minimising disruption to local traffic and reducing the costs of traffic management. The system is Type approved to UK specification TR2512A and approved to Highways England standard MCH1529. It is the only such system to be compatible with all types and makes of MIDAS outstations and urban traffic light systems such as SCOOT, MOVA and System D.

    Constituents of the system:

    1) M100 in-road wireless sensor:
    - A sensitive magnetometer equipped with a low power secure radio transmitter.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.
    Watch the installation video.

    Squeed 1 12 9 download free. 2) M110 Access point:
    - Maintains two-way communications with the sensors and repeater units.
    - Relays detection data via M120 interface card to the traffic signal controller.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.

    3) M115 Repeater unit:
    - A battery powered device that is used to extend the effective communication range and coverage between the sensors and access point if out of range of the nearest access point.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.

    4) M115 Flex Repeater unit: How to copy a picture on macbook pro.
    - A battery powered device that is used to extend the effective communication range and coverage between the sensors and access point if out of range of the nearest access point.
    - The Flex Repeater has a connector for an external antenna, allowing for greater flexibility in providing a two-way relay between sensors and the access point.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.
    5) M115 Solar Repeater unit:
    - A a solar and battery powered device that is used to extend the effective communication range and coverage between the sensors and access point if out of range of the nearest access point.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.
    6) M120 contact closure card:
    - A 3U-sized interface card with four detection channels that slots straight into a traffic signal controller and passes vehicle detection information from the sensors to the traffic signal controller.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.

    7) M150 MIDAS interface card:
    - A 3U-sized interface card with four detection channels suitable for covering two lanes of motorway traffic with M100 sensors installed 4.5m apart. Compatible with all manufacturers' MIDAS outstations.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.

    9) M160 Queue detection card:
    - A closure card designed to interface the M100 system to controller cabinets using 8 + 1 opto coupled digital outputs.
    Download the Product Spec Sheet.
    10) TrafficDot software and M100 Firmware update:
    - The TrafficDot configuration management software enables real-time configuration and monitoring of system performance. https://bestrfile877.weebly.com/murus-pro-suite-1-4-22.html. The software is licence free and available for download on our resources page.

    - The M100 Firmware update can be installed after the TrafficDot software is downloaded. Step-by-step instructions can be found here and the zip file downloaded from our resources page.

    Blog Posts

    The changing face of traffic lights with SCOOT and MOVAClearview software downloadNovember 17th 2016Can magnetometers be a viable option for MIDAS installations?April 24th 2019

    Clearview 1 9 1 download free. full

    Comparing inductive loops and wireless magnetometers for traffic signal controlMarch 21st 2019

    Case Studies

    Clearview Ai Free Download

    Wireless vehicle detection as an alternative for inductive loopsRead moreImproved journey times along the motorway networkRead more

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    Robust vehicle detection enabling MOVARead more

    Temp monitor 1 1 8. Let us help you. Call +44 (0)1908 088008 or email us

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